Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 28th, 2011: 45/365

This is the road I have to go down (on crutches) to get to the bus stop. It was quite a feat today.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday, February 27th, 2011: 44/365

A trashbag, a lawnchair and a bag of cookies. This is the care package I received today from my neighbors up the hill. The trashbag and lawnchair are so I can bathe and the cookies were for moral support (they know me so well). It really made my day to have people so willing to help me and make life easier for me. Tomorrow starts the hardest part when I have to commute back and forth to my two jobs....keep your fingers crossed I don't injure myself further... ;)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, February 26th, 2011: 43/365

As you recall, last Tuesday my scooter and I had a little disagreement....the scooter won. I ended up with my ankle stuck under the scooter. It was bothering me throughout the week but I decided to try and walk it off. It wasn't better by Friday night so I visited a trusty chiropractor friend that used some little tool to see if it might be broken. Because the tool made me feel so much pain, he suggested I go get x-rays. So this morning I woke up and traveled on my scooter, in the rain (seems like the start of a horror flick) to get x-rays at one of the more recommended hospitals close by.

The x-ray technician (who was wearing flippy-floppies and a t-shirt) informed me that I had fractured my tibia and that I would need to wait for the bone doctor to confirm and possibly put a cast on my leg. The bone doctor came about 20 minutes later, saw 5 patients before me (thank goodness for my Kindle) and then delivered the bad news. Fractured tibia. :( Then he examined my ankle which was unbelievably painful and determined that I damaged my tendon as well. 20 minutes and $600ec later, I had a cast and crutches and was ready to go.....except I had driven my scooter there and was alone.

As luck would have it, a fellow kickball player was arriving to the hospital at about the same time I was leaving to have some blood work done. She informed me that it would be about 15 minutes until she was ready to go and she could take me home. A fellow teacher from the Montessori school was there as well and she kept me company for awhile. Then I made a quick call to the guy I rent my scooter from and he offered to come get it for me and drive it home (though he apparently didn't mean MY home because he never brought it here).

All in all, I am very fortunate to have great friends (including some that came to bring Palak and I dinner and great company that night) a smidgen of luck and some extra $ to get me through. 3 weeks from now, I will get the cast removed and will hopefully be as good as new.......

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25th, 2011: 42/365

Girls Day!!! Kirsten, Susanne and I packed a picnic for the day (which may or may not have included 3 bottles of wine) and headed out to La Sagesse beach. You would probably think I would attach an actual picture of the beach but the truth is it rained a lot. I did take this pretty cool one of the tree though and we had TONS of fun chatting and moving our chairs in the sun and under the trees and back in the sun.....repeat as needed. ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24th, 2011: 41/365

Meet Joe. Joe plays volleyball on Sunday. He is also a chiropractor. He took the time out of his Thursday night to come and teach the SO's about chiropractic care. It was really informative and lots of fun...though it was a little strange to see him in a collared shirt instead of swimtrunks with a volleyball in his hand. Palak and I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and asking him LOTS of questions before and after!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2011: 40/365

Palak and I are thinking about adopting a kitten. Yes we would still bring Harold down in the fall but we wouldn't mind having the company of them both. Plus there are lots of animals in need of a home here in Grenada and this one in particular is so cute. Palak would want to name it after an author, I suggested we name it Kumar. ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 16th, 2011: 39/365

Kirsten and I went to the beach today. We sat, soaked up the sun and had some rum. It was enjoyable until the end when it started raining. I guess you really can't have your cake and eat it too...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 21st, 2011: 38/365

As social coordinators, Allie and I hosted our second event today. We had a meet and greet at Crab Racing at a local bar. Allie and Rachele were big winners, I lost every bet I placed and we didn't have a huge turn out. But it was a lot of fun and we enjoyed talking with those SO's who came!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday, February 20th, 2011: 37/365

Volleyball was cancelled today. I was crabby for a large portion of the day because of this. Not my favorite day in Grenada. Also, Palak has midterms all week. Its going to be a long, stressful one.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday, February 19th, 2011: 36/365

Look! We are in the ocean. And we were IN the ocean out where we couldn't touch. It was fun. Tiring but fun. It kinda rained on us that day too but overall we enjoyed our time at the beach before April and Dwaine started 4th term...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday, February 18th, 2011: 35/365

As social coordinators, Allie and I are charged with the responsibility of creating events where SO's can meet each other and socialize. Yesterday was our first event and it was a success!! 13 people came to hike Mt. Carmel waterfalls. We went to the big falls and played in them for a bit before coming to this natural water slide. That would be me water-sliding. It was a lot of fun!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, February 17th, 2011: 34/365

I am so lucky. At school I get to eat lunch with the children. The cook at school, Miss McKeeba Makes something vegetarian just for me everyday. Today it was vegetarian Roti. So good. It nice to have so many people here that care.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011: 33/365

There are LOTS of stray dogs on the island. This one looks just like Carmen's late dog Coda. Made me think of home and how much I miss Harold. If we don't get the RA position, I think we will be bringing him back with us!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011: 32/365

Today, neither of us felt like cooking and we decided to spoil ourselves and have dinner out. We almost never eat out (yesterday was a special holiday, it doesn't count) so we decided to indulge ourselves and get a pizza. Man was it good!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, February 14th, 2011: 31/365

For this special holiday we decided to triple date and go into St. George's for a family style meal. The Flag Restaurant has the best chinese food on the island and we had quite a sampling. We ate at a table overlooking the Carenage and thoroughly enjoyed the food and the company. It was nice to spend the day with so many great people, including my love. Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday, February 13th, 2011: 30/365

Friday is kickball day, Saturday is Hash day, Sunday is volleyball!!!!!
I love coming here to play for a few hours every Sunday with some friends. Its great for my feet and great for my soul. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday, February 12th, 2011: 29/365

Allie and I volunteered at the Valentine's Day party for the kids in the SO org. We had a cookie decorating station that all the kids (and adults) loved! Sam decided that on his second cookie he would lick the icing off instead of eating it whole like the first one. Such cute cubby cheeks!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 11th, 2011: 28/365

As you know, Friday is kickball day. I took this gem of Palak playing with baby Eden. He sat and entertained her the WHOLE game and they both had lots of fun! It was so cute to watch him play with such a small person. I think he will have GREAT bedside manner.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thursday, February 10th, 2011: 27/365

I have lately been saying that a black cloud is following me around. I have have multiple burns, pulled muscles, and scraped knees along with the fact that every time I sit on my scooter and get ready to go somewhere, it begins to rain. After much argument from my friends and loved ones I decided today to stop and take a picture of my black cloud as it literally poured on me even though it is such a clear and pretty sky.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011: 26/365

As many of you know, I really enjoy cooking. Except the other day I was trying to cook dinner when I was maliciously burned by the pressure cooker. Palak will be cooking all of our dinners until I am fully healed and over the emotional pain of my burn. He made this delicious indian meal for us!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011: 25/365

Ellen Ratner is the White House Correspondent for Fox News and Bureau Chief for The Talk Radio News Service, covering the White House and providing exclusive reports to talk radio stations from the Congress and government agencies. In addition, she is a credentialed reporter at the United Nations in New York where Talk Radio News Service has a bureau. Ms. Ratner is a news analyst on The Fox News Channel where she is currently seen on “The Strategy Room” and is heard on over 400 radio stations across the United States. She was the only talk show host granted two interviews with President Bill Clinton. She is the short one in front. Oh yea, I met her!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Monday, February 7th, 2011: 24/365

Grenada's 37th Independence Day! Though there are many festivities going on around the island, Palak and I are taking the day to spend time together. We are watching movies, cooking together and just enjoying time away from everything. <3

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sunday, February 6th, 2011: 23/365

I can't believe I get to watch the Super Bowl in this gorgeous place. Go Pack Go!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday, February 5th, 2011: 22/365

Went on the Hash today, even though my leg was still bothering me. It was a muddy hash, just look at my legs. With independence day being Monday we were supposed to wear the national colors. Jimmy and I got the memo though others in our group did not. It was a fun hash though, the best one yet.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday, February 4th, 2011: 21/365

Another game of kickball today! We are undefeated (knock on wood) but I pulled a muscle sometime between kicking the ball and getting to first. I was safe but will be feeling this one for a few days.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011: 20/365

I am really missing home today. Thank goodness its a long weekend for me though. I always have Friday's off but Monday is the Grenadian Independence Day so I have that off too. Hopefully I will have time to catch up with family and Palak...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011: 19/365

Though we were promised a "dry season" when we returned to the island in January, it has rained almost every day since we have been here. The sky today was really grey and the clouds were almost blending in with the ocean in the distance. Though it poured on me on my way home from tutoring, the sky was pretty and it was cool to see the storm roll in.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011: 18/365

Not much happened today. I went into St. George's with Kirsten to get some stuff done. As it turns out, I am not a criminal and I have the Grenadian documentation to prove it. Phew. Also I saw this cruise ship today. It is one of the smaller ones I've seen as it was docked in the Carenage not at the cruise ship port you normally see them at. Its too small to see in this picture but this boat is from Fred Olsen Cruise Line....sounds totally legit right?!